Home Travel Hu’u Villas

Hu’u Villas

written by Julia Lundin November 29, 2014


Hey guys! I’m back from my wonderful trip to Abu Dhabi where I attended the final Formula 1 race of the year and I am ready to continue my Bali episodes. I hope you don’t mind me posting summer outfits in November too much. I promise to mix it up and show you cold weather appropriate looks too. I have brought beautiful pictures from Abu Dhabi too, but let’s leave them for the near future. There is just so much I need you to see!

This post is from our third private villa in Bali. It’s called Hu’u Villas and its design is very different to where we stayed before. And just look how amazing, modern and beautiful it is! After settling in, me and Patrik unanimously decided that we wish it could be our home in London. It’s my dream to live in such spacious, bright and cool place. Hu’u Villas are located in the heart of the Seminyak area, just 5 minutes walk from the beach and town centre. After the calmness of Nusa Dua we really enjoyed going out every evening and discovering the busy and sleepless rhythm of Seminyak. We also discovered… Balinese massages! And after trying one on our first night in the area we ended up having full body massages six times in total! In comparison to London massage prices Bali is just a heaven! One hour costs around £8! So there’s no surprise that we kind of got addicted to it:)

Some Seminyak tips:

– Potato Head bar is a must see! You can sip yummy cocktails all day in the beach located infinity pool overlooking the ocean.

– Ku De Ta is a famous beach restaurant\bar that has incredible sunset views.

– Get some massage treatments. The streets of Seminyak have hundreds of tiny salons and I’ve got the impression that all of them are good.

– Explore the town and eat in as many different restaurants as possible. Because the food is so good!

Also make sure to check my Instagram (@julialundinblog) and follow my Abu Dhabi adventures. Enjoy your weekend!

Julia xo

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SEAFOLLY AUSTRALIA playsuit and top
WILDFOX sunglasses
Special thank you to Hu’u Villas and The Luxe Nomad

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Megan November 29, 2014 at 5:03 pm

I’m jealous of your life! Bali, Abu Dhabi, it all sounds so exciting and is so beautiful too!

Liz November 29, 2014 at 5:14 pm

these photos are beautiful


Leanne Winters November 29, 2014 at 9:37 pm

Stunning outfit and OH MY GOD YOUR VILLA IS INCREDIBLE.. So spacious & the style is minimal but high impact – I want to live there x


Emma November 29, 2014 at 11:29 pm

This villa looks amazing! You lucky thing, Bali is somewhere that I am desperate to travel too and now you’ve made me want to go there even more.


Sandra November 30, 2014 at 11:27 am

OMG! It’s incredible!

Jodi November 30, 2014 at 10:04 pm

Wow, that looks amazing. I can’t believe the prices of the massages, I would have gotten 2 every day.

Kate Spade handbag giveaway on the blog right now, come check it out.

xx, Jodi

Carolyn December 1, 2014 at 2:45 am

gorgeous place! so want to visit


Jules December 1, 2014 at 10:14 am

Such a beautiful place!

Jules x

Ladiva Castillo December 4, 2014 at 10:02 am

Amazing place! Love your playsuit too 🙂

Xoxoxo Ladiva C.

Carissa January 8, 2015 at 5:48 am

hi i love your travel chronicles.. :))
more to read in your blog



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