Home Fashion Let’s Chat

Let’s Chat

written by Julia Lundin January 9, 2017
Let's talk 2017! What resolutions have you made? What would you like to be different this year? Are you planning any major life changes? I can only assume that you, like me, are starting this new year on a positive note and let me tell you, your success and happiness is in your own hands!

To be honest I didn’t really wait for January to start changing things around me. I had a good re-think of everything in October last year and started doing things slightly differently since then. I don’t know if you noticed, but my style has changed a bit, which is basically me going back to what I always used to like in my pre-blogging life rather than trying to fit into a ‘standard blogger look’. I realised that there is actually no need to stress about competition (because there isn’t any as no one else can be you, right?) or feeling like you aren’t good enough (because if I got to where I am I surely know how to do things and that’s the only reassurance that I need). I realised that I don’t care about the industry hassle around me as long as I do things that I feel are right for me.

You also can’t physically attend every event and trip, do every project under the sun and you have to realise that you won’t be a good fit for some of the brands. And that’s ok! The most important thing is to stay true to yourself, remain a humble and good person, work hard and dream big!

Saying all that I do deeply care about what I do and assuming that ‘the sky is the limit’ I want to keep growing and reaching the new heights this year. I also want us, guys, to have a better relationship. I want you to ask me questions that you need advice or help with, I want to get to know you better and I want to be useful to you. So please do let me know what would you like to see more of on www.julialundin.com. Do you want more beauty, lifestyle, travel, life and career advice, social media help? I really value your opinions and it would mean the world to me if you could take a moment to leave your response in the comments below.



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Natali January 10, 2017 at 6:44 am

Totally love your approach and way of thinking! You got the right mindset for this year and I’m “sharing” the same one with you.
Being true to yourself, being kind to yourself AND others and knowing to “choose” your battles carefully is all what decides on your happiness and success… So yes, we’re the holders of our own happiness and only ourselves can make it to where we want to be by trusting in ourselves and our visions. Good luck with everything this year Julia and I’d def. love to see more personal/ life lessons kind of posts on your blog. 🙂


Hayley Rubery January 18, 2017 at 9:22 pm

I LOVE this post girl – completely agree that there is only one you, and you’re KILLING it! I love reading your blog lady and your photography/outfits are always so on point! I love it when you do personal posts like this one, to sit alongside your fashion shoots! Career tips and advice would be wonderful too! Hope 2017 is just as amazing for you love!

Hayley xo

Kyle Studstill January 23, 2017 at 6:40 pm

Very cool greys + blues in these shots 🙏🔮



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