Home Fashion Personal style vs. Fashion Trends

Personal style vs. Fashion Trends

written by Julia Lundin March 7, 2017
You probably heard the sayings like 'money can't buy taste', 'fashion fades, style is eternal' or 'fashion can be bought, style one must possess'. I'm in the industry that wouldn't be able to survive without both and both definitely have their own benefits and impact on my life.

tucked in sweatshirt

J.Lindeberg trench coat

Puma Suede sneakers in grey

I’m not the one to blindly jump on the latest trends and ‘it’ things wagon. If I don’t like something that everyone seems to be buying or wearing, the crowd effect won’t have any impact on me. It would much more often cause an opposite reaction and make me dislike a thing rather than desire it. It usually takes me quite long time to warm up to, let’s say a new style of jeans (and I don’t think I will ever be convinced about cropped flares). Though occasionally the new trends are right up my alley and in that case, I’ll be all over it. So what is the right balance, especially for the fashion bloggers who are meant to be ‘influencing’ their audiences?

palm trees in london

Canary Wharf Rooftop Garden, London

Are you going to be more successful known for your personal style or for having all the latest and trendiest things? There are definitely enough success stories in the blogging industry to support both of those theories. I, personally, had times when I thought that the key to growing your audience and attracting more followers is in having the most luxurious, IT clothes and accessories out there. I used to look on my Instagram feed and think that the girls who can afford fashion items right off the runway are doing better than others. Their numbers were growing and everyone wanted to own what they have. That was somewhere in the beginning of my blogging career when I was still uncertain about how this works and what is of the real value in this super new industry.


I have so much more clarity now. I know that the audience, people who follow bloggers, are as varied in their tastes, preferences and lifestyles as the bloggers themselves. Someone will be fascinated by the endless luxury, someone will look up to a blogger who is doing a great job of mixing high-street and expensive pieces, others will follow you for showing them how to look great on the budget and someone else will be obsessed with your personal style that might not be trendy at all.  The most important thing is knowing who you are and staying true to yourself – that is the key.

Levi's jeans and Puma sneakers

When asked to describe my style I always used to struggle. I literally liked a bit of everything and it depended on my mood what I would wear on the day. I was also highly prone to copying and taking inspiration from my favourite celebrities when I was younger and my carefully curated Pinterest moodboards later. And only after I started my blog and realised how many talented and cool people are out there doing the same thing, I felt the need to find my niche, identify my style and stick to it. I can now say with confidence that my style is CASUAL CHIC. I feel the best in jeans, coats, jackets, t-shirt, sweatshirts, hoodies and flat footwear. I want my tops to be oversized and my jeans skinny and, occasionally, vice versa. If I need to dress up I want to add coolest heels to my jeans and switch up my jewellery game. I want to feel like me everywhere I go and even my black-tie event gown should be cool rather than pretty. It took me 30 years to get to this clarity 😀

J.Lindeberg trench coat

J.Lindeberg trench coat

And yes, fashion trends are helping me on my style journey. Without streetwear and sports brands being so trendy these days I probably wouldn’t have dared to embrace my love for the hugely oversized hoodies and wear them to the fashion events. I guess what I’m trying to say is that trends should emphasize your personal style rather than lead your way. And don’t be scared to ditch the trend if you don’t like it. Not everything suits everybody. And not everyone likes furry slippers 😀

Levi's black jeans

Puma Suede sneakers in grey

J.LINDEBERG trench coat
LEVI’S jeans

Photography by PATRIK LUNDIN

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Natali March 7, 2017 at 7:12 pm

I love your way of thinking Julia, it’s very similar to mine and I couldn’t agree more that the traffic to your blog or Instagram depend on so much more than having all of the latest trendy items or freshly off the runway pieces showing on them.
I personally get inspired by many different things, styles and I do follow bloggers from the super big ones that can show just designer piece after a designer piece to the small, random blogs with tons of charm, great personal and totally not trendy style, etc.
Inspiration comes in many forms and through different personalities, but one thing I do know for sure is that something that is “plastic”, not real and relatable will never awake any interest in me.


Claudine March 10, 2017 at 8:43 am

I absolutely love this post. So true.
To Thine Own Self Be True says Shakespeare and that’s what it is all about, in the fashion business as well as in other aspects of our lives.
But it takes time to recognize that and find your own voice in that huge choir. So wonderful that you have found yours.
And btw: furry slippers on wet streets? That´s the reason I didn’t buy them….

xo ♥
Claudine / http://www.claudinesroom.com

My De Beauvoir Diaries March 24, 2017 at 2:01 pm

Hi Julia, I just love your casual chic style, It’s very similar to the way I dress. Skinny jeans, big sweaters and trainers all the way. This outfit is just perfect!

I just tried to buy those gorgeous trainers but they are sold out everywhere. Nooooo! I need them 😮

X Hayley

The Editors Notebook April 2, 2017 at 10:57 pm

Love the candor of the post, and it’s a great question. Agreed that personal style takes years to really come into your own and be confident no matter the trend.

City Style and Living The Editors Notebook | Instagram


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